Kalbir has been teaching Yoga and Pilates since 2012, in 2013 OTAGO Falls Prevention community classes were added to the list. She started off with Freestyle Fitness Yoga which she has been delivering in council and private gyms in Cardiff. In January 2015, she felt she needed to develop her yoga and attended a 200 hour Himalayan Hatha Yoga course in India with Yogi Ashokananda– an immensely satisfying and transforming experience! This is now being incorporated into her existing Yoga classes and it is being well received, so onwards and upwards!
The work she is most passionate about is illness narratives – the way a diagnosis of an illness can cause biographical disruption and how narratives have to be reconstructed. This is particularly poignant to her as she has a personal experience of being diagnosed with a long term condition, which she is managing with the help of Yoga and Pilates. A lot of her work includes clients who come to yoga to rehabilitate backs and with various other orthopaedic conditions, as well as to manage stress. Her main population group is senior adults (especially for Pilates and Fall Prevention) and she is always keen to encourage people who would normally find themselves excluded from exercise or physical activity.
Prior to this work in the fitness industry, Kalbir worked as a health and social care researcher, trained as a medical anthropologist and specialised in qualitative research, taking into account subjective experiences of patients, carers and healthcare professionals. Areas worked in included psychiatry, learning disabilities, cancer and palliative care and genetics. Her next desire would be to train in yoga for seniors, so that group could safely practice it.