Kriyas awaken the energy in your body, balance, and stimulate the energy in your body. You are working with the subtle body. You are working from the inside out. The practice of kriyas can be difficult because it directly works with the nervous and chakra system, affecting the prana in the body. Asanas are more physical practice, working from the physical point of view. It is more an external practice, working from the outside in. To feel the benefits, you have to practice for a long time. Kriya is an internal practice. It happens inside you. When you practice kriyas, you can’t compete with anybody. You are working with the subtle body. In yoga asana, you can compete with other people, watch them, see what they do, and try to do better than them. But in Kriyas there is so much happening within your body, that you develop an awareness of yourself. So, both of them have their importance. Which one to choose? Difficult question to answer. Practice both of them and this can be beneficial for your subtle body and your physical body same time. If you are a beginner, start with basic practices, and try to understand them. Develop the awareness of the body when you practice asanas, feel the energy sensation in your body during kriya practice. Kriya is awareness of the energy body, constant movement, continuity, and you are very aware of the process. Yoga asana is more static, holding postures, finding stillness in your body, and trying to find comfort in your body.
Mindfulness in Action
Deliver 100% focus on what you are doing. Your effort should be on the mindfulness of action no matter what you are doing.
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