Sometimes spirituality can become your comfort zone where you feel happy, comfortable and safe. At the same time, you are terrified to step out of it. I will tell you a story of a frog living a happy and comfortable life in a water well. One day the frog came out of the water well in a bucket. It was terrified but slowly stepped away from the bucket and found a little pond nearby. The frog was thrilled because the pond was bigger. Rain happened, and the pond flooded into a canal and later into a river. And so on, the life of this little frog was constantly evolving, constantly transforming, similarly, on the path of spirituality. Sometimes you are sitting happily in your comfort zone, like the frog. When something is getting you out of your comfort zone, you understand that you will have a lot more hindrance, but you may be able to make it to the stream. Then you grow further. Growth should not be limited. But change comes with many insecurities. As long as you hold on to your insecurities, you can never merge to infinity. So, when you are practising yoga and meditation, stay open. Always have gratitude for the experiences you are having and remain humble. Stay open to new experiences, and don’t limit your growth.
Remain Always Open to New Experiences
Always have gratitude for the experiences you are having and remain humble.
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