Prana Kriya Yoga
This form of yoga uses the movement of the body combined with breath retentions to harmonise and unite the flow of the physical movement in our bodies (kriya) with its energetic power.
"Prana Kriya Yoga has long been highly regarded among many great masters and yogis to hold the key to slowing down the ageing process."
Yogi Ashokananda
Yogi Ashokananda is the founder of Prana Kriya Yoga. This form of yoga takes as its foundation the ancient science of kriya yoga. It uses the movement of the body combined with breath retentions to harmonise and unite the flow of the physical movement in our bodies (kriya) with its energetic power, helping you become aware of your creative potential and yourself. It uses a completely different set of kriyas to the usual asanas you will find in most yoga practices.
Prana is life force and kriya means movement. It differs from usual yoga asanas. By retaining the breath it strengthens the heart muscles and gives you a complete body, mind and breath experience.

This form of yoga is one of the most effective means by which to achieve your goals and aspirations, material, emotional, spiritual and bring your actions in line with your mental and emotional state. Prana Kriyas are highly regarded by many great masters and yogis to hold the key to slowing down the ageing process. Prana Kriya Yoga slows the ageing process by recharging the blood with oxygen and decarbonising it, thus rejuvenating the brain and spinal centres and preventing the decay of tissues in the body.
The regular practice of Prana Kriya Yoga awakens the hidden energy (kundalini) within you allowing you to transform and free yourself from limiting beliefs and old behavioural patterns which hold you back.
Prana Kriya Yoga combines the body movements, mudra, and bandha along with kumbhakas (breath retention) to uplift and stimulate the five pranas to activate the energy centre in the body to remove blockages in our body and create a sense of freedom and liberation from limitation of mind.
Prana Kriya Yoga is a form of yoga that can be practised with any physical ability. Sometimes if you are stiff and a beginner and scared to go to a yoga class or to start practising yoga seeing very complicated flexibility requirements to do the posture can be off-putting, with Prana Kriya Yoga that is not the case. In Prana Kriya Yoga flexibility is not the priority but you, yourself, your desire to create self-awareness, and your desire to uplift your energy and vitality is. Prana Kriya Yoga can awaken the unconscious mind and change behaviour patterns leaving your whole body vibrating with a high frequency of energy with absolute calm within.