Your Body is a Magic Temple

Align the vibration of your body, your inner universe with the rhythm of external universe and you will feel the magic.

In the Indian spiritual tradition, who and what we are is an intricately interwoven matrix of our subtle, energetic body, our mind, our consciousness and our physical body. Even if we are on the most fervent spiritual journey, we cannot avoid engaging the body. We should not try to avoid the fact that it is our vehicle here on earth. And our body is more than just a vehicle; it is a beautiful and miraculous creation that is in constant dialogue with our mind and our mind’s interpretation of the experiences it receives through the senses. Without the body, we don’t exist in the physical realm. Through our body, we create the possibility to transform, transcend, to experience the love, experience all the emotions, all the feelings. And this is itself magic. Your whole body is working as a one living being. Once you create awareness of the body, once you create an awareness of who you and understand your true potential the magic starts happening. And all of these you can experience only through your body. So keep your body clean, diet clean, clean consciously, making clean your awareness and allowing that energy to harness. Align the vibration of your body, your inner universe with the rhythm of external universe and you will feel the magic.

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