If you want to use your time efficiently, you need to know the direction in which you should focus. Some people can be negative, judgmental, and destructive. They are very focused on constantly judging others and finding faults in everything. But when it comes to constructive things, creativity, productivity or acceptance, the focus disappears, and the person loses attention. So make sure first you know in which direction you want to remain focused. How to learn to be focused? First of all, pranayama practice can help you. If you cannot do the pranayama, then try yoga asana. If you cannot do the yoga asana, go for a walk. But when you walk, make sure you are aware of every step and be focused on every movement of your body. Sometimes walking with observation can bring attention to how distracted one person can be. One benefit of the mindful walk is developing a relationship with your body, developing concentration and awareness of your senses. So, walk mindful, become aware of your body, build a relationship with your body and slow down your mind.
How to stay focused? There are many ways you can develop focus. It is important to try not to avoid anything that is bothering or distracting your mind. Sit with it. Take a few rapid deep inbreathes and out-breaths, and then sit down quietly and observe the nature of the breath. Another technique, count your breath from 50 to zero in the reverse order. Take deep inhales and exhales, and count from 50 to zero. The third technique you can use when you are distracted is to clench your fists as tight as possible. Bring your full attention to your fists, try to pay attention to the pulsation you feel, and then release them. Feel the relaxation and observe the breath. And repeat. Developing focus doesn’t mean you dominate your mind. What you are doing is becoming friends with your mind. Do not try to dominate your mind, and don’t be a slave to your mind. Develop a healthy relationship with your mind, and your mind will serve you well. Don’t be in constant conflict with your mind. You do not need to control your mind. You need to understand your mind. Once you understand your mind, you will no longer need to practice focus. You will always be focused.