Michelle Rae

Michelle teaches Himalayan Hatha Yoga, Prana Kriya Yoga and Atma Kriya Meditation since 2013. A keen and constant student, Yogi Ashokananda’s teachings have had a profound effect on her life. Michelle is also a qualified Ayurvedic Massage Therapist – working and teaching in clinics in India as well as the UK.


Michelle has trained with Yogi Ashokananda in London and India, and teaches his style of Himalayan Hatha Yoga, Prana Kriya yoga and Meditation since 2013. Completing 500hrs of Teacher Training with the Yoga Alliance and assisting on various teacher trainings since qualifying. A keen and constant student, Yogi’s teachings have had a profound effect on my life since meeting him in 2012.

Not looking for a teacher my teacher came and found me, just at the right moment. From being a very shy and nervous individual, to standing tall empowering me to teach others how to find and believe in there truth and existence. Step out of fear and find yourself. Michelle is also a qualified Ayurvedic Massage Therapist – working and teaching in clinics in India as well as the UK. She has a keen interest in Ayurveda Yoga therapy, which led her to study Ayurveda cooking at the Neuroprana clinic in Tamil Nadu. Her classes are slow flowing with a deeply meditative approach – aligning mind, body and soul.

2014 - Local Business Conference

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2020 - Small Business Awards

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2023 - Seven Creative

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Himalayan Hatha Yoga
Prana Kriya Yoga
Atma Kriya Meditation