Lindsay, retired boxer, started his yoga journey in January 2016 at the age of 50. Curiosity quickly lead to yoga became a regular part of his day. Since that very first class Lindsay has lost over two stone in weight. Simply through a dedicated yoga practice his fitness levels and flexibility has increased substantially. Yoga has also helped him to manage ongoing knee injuries sustained from years of running and weightlifting. Lindsay has studied regularly with Yogi Ashokananda and gained his Teaching qualification following intense training with Yogi in India. He teaches in Salisbury at Karma Yoga Centre.
2014 - Local Business Conference
International Web Design Agency / Developer Award Winner
2017 - Awwwards
Site of the day - lorem ipsum dolor glavrida
2020 - Small Business Awards
Project is featured in "Best 10 Websites" section
2023 - Seven Creative
Vivamus aliquam turpis id lectus sollicitudin euismod
Himalayan Hatha Yoga
Prana Kriya Yoga
Atma Kriya Meditation