You always want to reach somewhere or something. You define your destination, and then you start to make paths to get there. You define a fixed goal, but at the same time, you believe that you are infinite, abundant, and limitless. But your plan is set. So you are limited. Your mind, your possibilities, and your energy become restricted. You fit yourself into a box, despite that your inner presence, your inner being, is infinite, abundance. Love, compassion, and kindness are not limited. They are abundant within you. The more you spend, the more they grow. So, if there is no destination, there is no path. Where there is no path, you are omnipresent. You drop yourself within yourself. You are the destination, and you are the path. So, you do not need to go anywhere. You think you will be happier in the future, and you will be more comfortable if you get there. You believe if you aim for a specific target, you will be happy once you have this. You always project your happiness in the future and fight with your present circumstances. Stop creating destinations. Your happiness is with you and within you. Discover that! Your every action should be to understand and discover the presence of happiness in your real-time moment. If you can find one good reason to be happy now, you reached the destination, you found yourself.
Discover Your Limitless Potential
Love, compassion, and kindness are not limited. They are abundant within you. The more you spend, the more they grow.