If somebody makes decisions in your place, your life will never be in peace. If you make decisions for somebody else, you are not making their life easier and peaceful. So, do not make any decision for anybody, let them decide for themselves. Show them the possibilities they have, show them the broader picture of what is possible, and allow them to make their decisions according to their space, awareness, growth and understanding. And everybody involved in the process will transform their behaviour and their existence. But if you impose, you create only misery in society, in people’s life. Being a teacher or teaching doesn’t mean to decide for somebody. Your teachings give them the possibility to create a self-analysis, to understand themselves, and to let them choose the path they like to walk through. If any spiritual practice would tell you that you should be exactly one way or the other, you are likely to fail in your choices. If a spiritual practice would show you that you should walk on a very narrow path, I guarantee that you will likely look around either side of it to see what is going on and look for more options. What you can always do is to create a self-assessment of your actions and learn. Try to transform your thinking, and your actions, create a possibility to rise above, create a possibility for inner growth as well as an outgrowth.
How do decisions shape your future?
What you can always do is to create a self-assessment of your actions and learn.
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