Asanas & Awarness

Asanas prepare your mind for meditation and mindfulness and to be comfortable in your body, mind, and within your senses.

When practising asanas, remember to make sure you are paying attention to the alignment. Develop body awareness, not just plant yourself into a posture. Even if you can do the pose correctly, pay attention to it. Because you are constantly expanding, your awareness is growing. When your awareness is growing, you are transforming. You cannot predict what you should become. The transformation happens through a process. So, pay attention to the process. Asanas prepare your mind for meditation and mindfulness and to be comfortable in your body, mind, and within your senses. Asanas can have many benefits, but only if you practice them correctly. That can lead to meditation and a very smooth practice of pranayama. Because asanas help you clean the nervous system, all nadis can carry the prana. And this brings you focus and awareness of the senses.